Insulated Glass

YUYIN Insulating glass units (IGUs) are typically manufactured with glass

in thicknesses from 3 to 10mm(1/8" to 3/8"). Thicker glass is used in special applications. 

Laminated or tempered glass may also be used as part of the construction. 

Most units are produced with the same thickness of glass on both panes but special 

applications such as acousticattenuation or security may require different thicknesses 

of glass to be incorporated in a unit.

The space in between the panes provides the bulk of the insulation effect and 

may be filled with air,but argon is often used as it gives better insulation, 

or sometimes different gases or a vacuum are employed.

Product Features

Improved energy efficiency

Noise reduction

Safety and security windows

Thickness 6mm+12A+6mm, 6mm+16A+6mm Air Space Thickness: 6, 8, 10, 12,16mm
Size Customized size available
Color Clear, Grey, Blue, Green
Container 20'GP/20'OT/20'HQ/40'GP/40'OT/40'HQ
Curtain wall
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